Madden Filez

Madden 2000

HOMELegionaires Guide to Passing | Jimbo's Guide to Running | Red Kamel's Rookies and Scrubs | GRID IRON GHOSTS $F$ AI Settings | Nickle Defense Breakdown | Hellions Guide to Running | Jimbo's Smackdown Guide to Defense | OVER/UNDER Defense | 4-3 Breakdown | 3-4 Breakdown | BB's Guide To Running | Destroyers Guide to Running | Single Back HB Smash | QB Overview | Jimbo's Guide to Running | Offensive Linemen Overview

Custom AI

Offensive Strategy:
o Normal no change
o Aggressive more passing, riskier playcalling
o Conservative more running, less going for it

Defensive Strategy:
o Normal no change
o Aggressive More Blitzing
o Conservative Less Blitzing, more zone coverages

Run Vs. Pass:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left More running plays
o Slider to right More passing plays
o Note: The CPU will NOT always run or pass. The current game situation will overrule the AI settings. (ie, CPU most likely wont run on 3rd and 30)

*QB Accuracy:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Less accurate passing by QBs
o Slider to right More accurate passing by QBs

*Pass Blocking:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Less effective pass blocking
o Slider to right More effective pass blocking

*Receiver Catching:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Reduced catching chance
o Slider to right Increased catching chance

RB Ability:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Reduces the following attributes for RBs: Aware, Agility, Speed, Acceleration, Break Tackle
o Slider to right Increases the following attributes for RBs: Aware, Agility, Speed, Acceleration, Break Tackle

*Run Blocking:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Less effective run blocking
o Slider to right More effective run blocking

Defensive Awareness:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Reduces Aware attribute for Defensive Players
o Slider to right Increases Aware attribute for Defensive players

*Pass Knockdowns:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Reduces chance for Defensive Linemen to bat down passes at the LOS
o Slider to right Increases chance for Defensive Linemen to bat down passes at the LOS

*Break Block:
o Slider in middle no change
o Slider to left Reduces effectiveness of a Defensive player to get off or beat a block
o Slider to right Increases effectiveness of a Defensive player to get off or beat a block

FG Length:
FG Accuracy:
Punt Length:
Punt Accuracy:
KO Length:
o Normal, Less, More what you would expect

*- Denotes those Custom AI settings that will not detrimentally affect All-Madden mode.
Due to Madden Challenge constraints, some AI settings will not be taken into account if the result is to make the gameplay easier. (Doing so would reduce the desired difficulty of the Madden Challenge on All-Madden mode).

All Custom AI settings will affect BOTH the CPU and the Human user (except for the cases mentioned above).

The Grid-Iorn Ghost $F$